We promote tourism in Ireland by:
Operating a year-round integrated marketing campaign to encourage people living on the West Coast of Ireland to holiday in Ireland. The Wild Atlantic Food project includes:
- advertising
- domestic publicity campaigns and media relations
- online communications including social media activity
- providing a programme of in-Ireland trade events for international buyers and media
- encouraging and supporting international events to take place in Ireland
- providing visitors and holidaymakers with information while staying along the west coast of Ireland from our website and top 5 weekly recommendations.
Advertising samples
Your own listing/website – your-restaurant.WildAtlanticFood.ie
Promotions on Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram*
Get your place mentioned on our website & blog – Top picks of the week; Best Chefs on the Wild Atlantic Way; Signature dishes/recipes – promote your cuisine and your specialities; Any other events you want to promote on our blog*
And have your own restaurant@WildAtlanticFood.ie email address
Most interested segments
We believe that these are the two most interested audiences in this tourism trend.
Culturally Curious
The Culturally Curious are older – most are over 45 and more than a quarter are over 65. They travel as couples or on their own. If they had children, they have grown up
or left home. Taking a holiday with their partner. They are out to broaden their minds and expand their experience by exploring new landscapes, history and culture. They are curious about everything and are delighted to discover the world for themselves once again.
What they want from a holiday: They’re interested in all that a place has to offer. This is their own adventure and they really want to cover everything to do in a place. The
Culturally Curious love to discover history and always find ways of getting real insight.
Mainly they are looking to encounter new places and experiences that are out of the ordinary. The Culturally Curious like to feel that they have not only broadened their mind but also plunge themselves in a place, giving their senses a holiday too – the sights, the sounds, the smells, the tastes. They enjoy connecting with nature and getting off the beaten track. They like people to show an interest and educate them – to feel they’ve connected. They really appreciate personal guides.
Great Escapers
Who are they? Great Escapers tend to be younger, around thirty. They are often couples, some with babies or quite young children. Most are in serious need of time out from busy lives
and careers and simply need to relax and unwind. So they are specifically interested in rural holidays, and travel very much as a couple or family. Great Escapers are on holiday for a break, to get physical with nature, and to reconnect with their partner.
What they want from a holiday: To connect with the landscape, to feel the earth beneath their feet, to soak up the beauty of it all. A sense of history, of their place in the vastness of
nature – they want to feel part of it. Against this kind of backdrop Great Escapers can spend real quality time bonding with those closest to them. They appreciate peace and quiet
between activities. It’s simply a breather, it’s being off the beaten track, it’s a Great Escape.
They want to get the wow moment without too much effort. Most importantly, Great Escapers want to come home refreshed and revitalized, get their batteries recharged.
What they don’t want: To make connections with others on the holiday – locals or other tourists. They don’t need to, they’re there to be with each other.
*Subject to terms & conditions